Sunday, February 22, 2009

TGJ 2O1 - Getting caught up...

I'm going to be away for one more day and hopefully that's it! So...for today (Monday) this is your chance to either get caught up, or get ahead. Scroll to the bottom of this posting for a bonus assignment, otherwise, review is below.

I noticed that most of you in the class still do not have a blog at all. I'm going to leave very specific instructions on what to do, in hopes that you'll be able to get your blog up and running today. I do realize that the school computers can be glitchy and sometimes don't allow you to set up your blogs. Do your best. If it's not working, try it at home. If it's still not working, see me tomorrow!
How to Set Up Your BLOG!!
1. Go to
2. Click on CREATE A BLOG - it's a big orange button. You can't miss it.
3. You will open a page that gives you windows to fill in such as email address, passwords etc. Your email address must be a google type account - gmail, hotmail etc. Sympatico won't work, so create a gmail account for yourself if you don't have one already.
4. Once you have gone through this page - notice your Display name. This is the name used to sign your blog posts. The next page will give you the option to choose the title of your blog. This is one at the top of your page.
5. Click on Accept terms of service and then CONTINUE.
6. Next page, choose your title. Could be the same as your display name.
7. Find a blog address (URL) and check the availability. If it's taken, try adding some numbers or another word to it.
8. Go to continue and choose your template. Doesn't matter what you pick, you can change it later.
Congratulations. You have a new blog!
Your first task is to create a link to the lci blog.
1. Go to Layout from your posting page (you'll automatically be sent there once your blog is set up).
2. Click on Add a Gadget
3. Scroll down and click on Link List
4. Title it Cool Links or My Links or just links...
5. Leave the number of links blank and skip down to the New Site URL
6. Add
7. For the name put LCI Comm Tech
8. Click on Add Link, then Save.
9. You're done. You can now view your blog and you should see the LCI Comm Tech link on your sidebar. Click on it, and it should take you to the LCI Comm Tech blog.

Next Task - send me a comment, so I can add you to the main blog
1. Scroll down to the welcome to the blog posting on the LCI blog
2. At the bottom, click on comments and add a comment of your own in the window.
3. Your comment should tell me your first name, your class TGJ 2O1 and the URL of YOUR BLOG. Post it. You're done.

From your blog, you can click on New Post. Here is your chance to post all of the fabulous work that you've done so far in this class. Namely, the two assignments that I've asked for!
1. Save your Photoshop assignment for Web so that it's a .jpg or .gif and not a .psd.
2. Add the image by clicking on the picture icon and browse for it in your home drive.
3. Click on a layout - preferably centered.
4. Write! You need to write about your process - how did you make the composite image?
5. Check the rest of my postings and make sure you've done everything - in particular the composition assignment with your partner (s) and be ready to present on Tuesday, when we'll be talking about composition.

Bonus Assignment - Magazine cover
Take an image of a person and create a magazine cover by cutting out the person (or people) and adding a full colour background. The title and articles are up to you. Make it look real!


  1. Name: Bailey
    Class: TGJ 201

  2. Name:duncan
    CLASS:tgj 201
