Monday, November 16, 2015

Public Service Announcements

Yesterday we established that some key characteristics of PSAs worth noting are:

Typically, PSAs:

  • are short (usually 60 seconds or less)
  • present one single issue
  • inform the viewer of key, relevant facts
  • have a clear call to action (usually indicated through text on screen)
  • might or might not include people
  • might or might not use music
  • sometimes use voice-overs
  • sometimes use special effects (like black and white)
  • might use transitions/editing to enhance the video
  • aim to leave a lasting impact

Today's task:

Get into groups for this activity
Ms. Silverman's suggestion (unless Magnus or Lance are away - then Cindy, you should go with whoever is present)
Group 1:  Cindy, Beau and Kidus
Group 2: Magnus and Lance

Please go to the following link and view the videos we watched in class PLUS the remainder of the videos on the list.
PSA list (find the videos here if the links do not work below)

While viewing the PSAs consider the following questions in your group. 

1. Where do I see examples of persuasion?
2. How is sound used as a persuasion technique?
3. What specific visual techniques are being used to persuade the viewer?

Appoint one person the secretary and as you discuss your answers, create a comprehensive list to share in a class discussion tomorrow.

Make sure you see the following PSAs - you should be able to click on the links below

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