Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Assignment for Thursday October 15th - Photography

We have an online text book that you will have access to by going to the following link:

Click on Existing User and find Lakeshore Collegiate from the list of schools

Your username: lakeshore
Your password: lci2016!

Go to the second page (click on the middle yellow dot at the bottom of the page) and select Chapter 14. Traditional and Digital Photography. Choose Digital Photography and read through the chapter. Be sure to click on any of the interactive links. Fill in the worksheet provided (printed handout with resolution chart and memory card fill in the blanks) and hand it in at the end of the period. Also, please take the test provided. For email, put in my email address ( so the results will be sent to me.

If you don't finish the test this period, then submit via email by the end of the day.

When you are finished check out THIS LINK on the 24 best photo essays of 2014. Enjoy! And get inspired.

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