Monday, September 28, 2015

Using Composition in Photography - Assignment #2 (TGJ 2O1)

You've now researched 5 different compositional tools. Your next assignment is to take photos that strongly express 10 different compositional tools that you learned about in the powerpoint.

Here is a list of compositional tools in photography to get you started.

5 of your photos MUST use the 5 tools you researched in YOUR powerpoint that you submitted.
The other 5 can be any of the others from the list (or Composition Powerpoint)

Rule of Thirds
Leading Lines or Dominant Lines
Pattern and Repetition (also breaking pattern)
Depth (overlap, linear perspective, aerial or atmospheric perspective, selective focus)
Balance (symmetrical or asymmetrical)
Timing/Decisive Moment
Dominant Foreground/Contributing Background
Panning, Zooming, Blur
Light and Shadow

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