Thursday, February 13, 2014

Post your Postcard!

Now that you've created some actual digital art, you're ready to post it on your blog.

A note about file formats:
1. Please go to this SITE to read about file formats.

Once you have read about the various file types and when to use them, please determine which file format YOU should use for this postcard assignment.

2. Please choose the format, save it in that format and post it on your blog.

3. Write the following information to support your postcard.

A. Please explain which file format you chose for your postcard and WHY! Please support your decision with factual information. Include the link for the web article on file formats.

B. Please write about the procedure you used to create this postcard.
    1. Which original images did you choose?
    2. What SIZE was the background image in pixels. Please explain why that size was important to retain the required resolution of 4x6 @ 300 p.p.i.
    3. Explain your concept - what was your thinking in terms of creating this combination of images, graphics and text.
    4. Explain step by step HOW you created your final image. (include what you did to add images and graphics to the background image, how you created a mask and why, and how you added text, including any modifications made to the text.

How do I add an image to my blog post?
Click on the tiny picture in the top menu when you are creating your post. Choose the correct image (in the correct file format) and click on it. Upload that image.

How do I embed a link in my blog post?
Copy the URL for the website you'd like to link. You can choose a word (like I did) or a phrase, or even an image to be the linked 'button'. Highlight the chosen word(s) and click LINK in the top menu when you're creating a new post. Paste the URL you previously copied into the window. Voila! It's done. You've embedded a link. Congratulations.


Please submit your final postcard in a psd format with ALL the original photographs, graphics and images you used in a folder.
Make a folder with YOUR NAME ON IT!!! and include the psd file as well as the original images.
Drop that folder into the Drop off folder - Ms. Silverman drop off. TGJ 2O1

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