70 p.p.i.
Here is an example.
Since the ad will be quite small on a computer screen, consider a strong and clear image preferably a distinct photograph from your PSA and the slogan or quote used in your PSA.
You must have a photograph. You must have text. Placement, font choice, colour and size are up to you.
Consider having a web address (similar to your PSA) as your call to action.
Colour mode should be RGB!! Not CMYK.
Resolution should be 72 ppi
Size 240x400 pixels
You will lose marks if you have not created this ad in EXACTLY the right dimensions, resolution and colour mode. And/or if you fail to follow submission instructions EXACTLY.
I will be evaluation your ad based on the following for 5 marks each.
Visual Impact (Dynamic and eye-catching)
Strong Slogan (well chosen and impactful)
Composition and placement of image/text
Visual Hierarchy (Emphasis)
Emotional Impact (Makes you think/feel)
Unity (Connection to PSA video - use of image from the video)
Choice of Image (Best choice for quality and impact - clear and easy to "read" visually)
Choice of Font (size, style, colour fits well with mood and impact of PSA)
Web address (Call to Action) placed and sized appropriately (smaller than Slogan, but readable)
Please post your finished ad on your blog AND drop it in the drop folder with the following file name.
I would like to see a saved jpg AND psa with LastName_FirstInitial_PSAbanner.psd and LastName_FirstInitial_PSAbanner.jpg
Note: From Photoshop you should choose Save for Web from the File menu and choose jpg.
Everything is due: Friday June 13th, 2014 by the end of the day.
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