Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Researching Walls and Barriers

There are two parts to your presentation:
Part A - Powerpoint on a researched topic.
Part B - Visuwords exploration of one word from your topic. (See below for more info. on part B)

Part A
Go to the following site for walls and barriers research topics.

Choose a topic from 1 - 9.

Make sure that you are selecting one that no one else has chosen. You will be working on this individually, not in pairs or groups. We are trying to maximize the information and thinking about various walls and barriers to inspire our artistic projects.

Note: For topic #1 on the Mexico/US fence - here is another resource

Research and present your findings to the class, providing links, resources and images.

Answer the following questions as you research your topic.

1. Give a brief overview of your topic. Who, what, where, when and why.
Include photos and links to show other research and information
2. Discuss whether there is a positive or negative impact and who is being impacted positively or negatively by the wall/barrier.
3. Discuss your personal opinion about this wall/barrier.
4. Discuss your findings from Part B

Part A should not take you more than 2 days (Monday and Tuesday). Your presentation should not be longer than 5 minutes. We'll spend a few minutes at the end of each presentation for questions and a brief discussion.
You can work on Part B on Wednesday.

Part B
  • Choose one word that came up frequently in your research, that you would like to explore further. e.g. "border" or "fence"
  • Go to visuwords.com
  • Enter the word you chose
  • In your sketchbook, or on the computer, make your own graphic organizer by recording words that you think relate to this topic.
  • Make sure to click on new words and keep looking further into the topic.
  • Share your findings with the class as the last part of your presentation.

Presentation due: Thursday May 19, 2010

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