Thursday, May 21, 2009

TGJ 2O1 - PSA analysis

Read the following tips from "TV PSAs: Making them effective", and the script below at the following link.

Your assignment for today is to find one really effective Public Service Announcement on the internet and write about it.

Post the link to the PSA on your blog and answer the following questions in your post in paragraph form.

1. What is this PSA about? General topic.
2. Discuss the visual imagery in this video in terms of the message that it is presenting to the viewer.
3. Which images are the most effective in getting the message across. Why?
4. Discuss the sound effects used in this video in terms of message.
5. Which sound effects are the most effective and why?
6. Discuss the voice script in terms of what is said and how it is said (tone - anger, sadness etc.) and who is speaking - ie. elderly person, young person, woman, man etc.).
7. How do these decisions (what, how and who) effect the message and its effectiveness.
8. Conclude with your overall impression of the PSA.

Due at the end of the period posted on your blog.

Once you have completed this assignment please work in your groups on refining your storyboards, scripts and shot lists! You WILL be shooting on Monday.

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