Thursday, April 30, 2009

Some great graphic design inspiration...

Here's a fantastic site to inspire your creativity in terms of self-promotion. It has many great links and information on a variety of methods to promote and market your work!
Check it out. Also in the link list.

And...from that article, I found a fantastic site that helps you when you've got "designers block" and can't think of any ideas! Also in the link list.

Another link from that same amazing first article is this one on some inspiring web portfolios, all of which use a one page web design. Check it out.

Monday, April 27, 2009

3MG - Anti-smoking poster presentation

It's time to present your work to the class. Tomorrow - Tuesday, we'll take a look at the campaign that you've created to persuade people to quit or never start smoking.
Please be prepared to discuss your research findings, design process and final design ideas. We will give feedback as a class and I will give you the opportunity to go back and improve your designs and re-submit for final marking by Friday. You must work on this in your own time however (lunches, after school) and not during class.

We will be starting a new project in class once our presentations are done. We will revisit everyone's altered designs on Friday and I will mark whatever you submit then.

TGJ 2O1 CD Design Assignment

Now that you have completed your CD cover and booklet, you need to hand it in and also prepare to present your work to your "client" (your teacher and the class).
Please follow these instructions to submit and print your work for presentation.

1. Double check your work - check for mistakes in layout, grammar, spelling etc. Get a second set of eyes to look at it for an objective opinion. Once you are satisfied, move on to step 2.
2. Drop all 4 of your files into a folder that you create on your home drive, with your name on it! Drop the entire folder into the drop folder (201 CD to submit)
3. Make an 11x17" @ 300 p.p.i Photshop file. Flatten (layers menu) your 4 CD files to copy and paste them into the new file. Close the originals, but DO NOT SAVE. Save the 11 x 17 with your name in the file and drop it into the drop folder (201 CD to print).
4. Ask Ms. Silverman to print your CD.
5. Trim and mount to a black board (provided) or fold into a jewel case (not provided).
6. Write up a statement and be ready to hand this in after you present on Wednesday.
Written statement AND your oral presentation must include:
  • Name of the band and CD
  • Style of music and personality of the band
  • Design choices justified to indicate how they work to express the style of music and personality of the band (fonts, colour, layout, images)

Note: You can refer back to my original examples for the random album cover assignment.

Bonus marks: Post the Final CD to your blog with your written statement.